Friday, January 23, 2009

Valentine's Day Sweet or Bitter?

Valentine's Day is often bittersweet.

When we were kids in my school, we all had a decorated box on our desk and everyone would put cards in it, some nice, some not so nice. This was often a disappointing day for those who were less popular. I always felt very badly for those who only got a few cards or some that were unkind. Valentine's Day for many became something to be dreaded rather than anticipated.

The romantic expectations of Valentine's Day create a lot of mixed emotions, even pain. Those who are not in a relationship often feel left out, unloved and sad. Even being in a relationship doesn't mean it's going to be an enjoyable day. There are a lot of expectations that often go unmet. Partners don't or can't live up to the romantic dreams of their partners or feel so pressured by it all that they give up before they start.

I've never been a big fan of "forced" celebrations for many of those reasons. We tend to twist ourselves into knots trying to make a "perfect day" of it and fulfill all those dreams. I don't know about you, but when I try to do that, it almost never works.

What can we do instead? My husband and I had a very rocky first Valentine's Day when we first started dating. The day before was Friday the 13th, when he got to his office the bank was there to declare the company bankrupt and close their doors. The banker thought the irony of it being Friday the 13th was very funny. Needless to say, celebration and romance was not in the cards for the following day. Since that time, we've agreed to not try to create a romantic day of it, but to simply exchange thoughtful cards, talking about what we appreciate about each other and our relationship. We often laugh about our first Valentine's Day over a simple dinner and glass of wine.

What if we re-frame Valentine's Day as a day in which we celebrate the power of love? Instead of thinking about all the unmet expectations and sense of isolation this holiday often brings about, we can use this as an opportunity to spread love...not just romantic love, but actual heartfelt compassion for others and ourselves?

Smile at everyone you meet.

Stop by a nursing home or hospital and take some treats - sweets may not be welcomed or healthy, so how about some lotions, books, magazines, even craft items. Stay and have a conversation with some of the patients who don't have visitors.

Call someone you haven't talked to in a while just to say "hi".

Write a letter to a friend (or two or three), use nice stationary. I guarantee they'll be surprised, since most of us just send emails.

Share a CD of music that inspires you.

The children of your household are simply gonna love this. Write up little notes about how you feel for them and what they mean to you and place them around your house along with a candy heart or other treat. Add a riddle at the end of each note about where to find the next note. At the last note, have something special waiting there, say a teddy bear or other toy or treat. Make sure that you hide the notes when none of the little ones are watching, or else all the fun is going to be spoiled. (I found this idea on

Have a party. Invite all your friends to come share an evening of friendship and love.

Call a single friend or two invite them for dinner or a movie.
Get together with friends or even your children and go to a shop that lets you make ceramics or jewelry right there. You'll have fun and something to keep or give away as a gift.

For yourself; treat yourself to a massage or spa day, take a long hot bath, buy something new, fix a lovely dinner and enjoy it with a glass of wine. Buy yourself a heart shaped BioElectric Shield. I wear one when I'm feeling a little romantic. Buy yourself jewelry with hearts or with stones that bring love energies just to remind you that love is around you all the time.

But most of all, do something that just makes you feel good and loving.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Questers - Living with Intent

I’m sure you’ve noticed that we are living in a world of ever increasing change. I’ve been talking a lot lately about fear and how the Shield can assist you in moving through fear. With the Shield you’re no longer dealing with the fears of the planet and everyone on it. After we’ve released fear, we’re more able to deal with changes and challenges.

read more | digg story

I Hate New Year's Resolutions

I hate making New Year’s resolutions. I know it’s something that one is supposed to do, and it’s probably a good way to start off the year. My issue with resolutions is that it seems that what I’m really doing is setting myself up for certain failure. Not that I won’t try, but I’m human, and old habits are sometimes hard to break. So instead of feeling energetic and positive, I end up feeling like a failure, or that I’ve let myself or the Universe down.

If I really MUST do resolutions I make sure I list things that I know I won’t have any difficulty achieving, that way I can pat myself on the back for keeping all my resolutions. This year’s list.

I won’t go bungee jumping.
I won’t get acupuncture. (I hate needles)
I won’t go swimming in Lake Michigan and New Year’s Day.
I won’t eat chocolate covered ants.
I won’t have sex in a public place.
I won’t run over that inconsiderate person who cuts me off.

The last few years instead of writing out that “list”, I’ve started doing something different. Sometime around the first of the year, usually not on New Year’s Day, I do a visualization process instead. Why not New Year’s Day? There are football games, parties, phone calls, people getting together, and various other activities that take away my focus. If New Year’s Day works, that’s great, but if not, I just find a little quiet time that first week.

How does visualization work? My method is pretty simple, I think about my life and what’s working and what’s not. I allow my thoughts to go to each area of my life. As I do this, I pay attention not only to my thoughts, but to my feelings as well…do certain areas cause me to feel tired, stressed, anxious, depressed, is my body relaxed or is it suddenly tense. All these things are an indication of feelings that may not even be acknowledged yet.

I go through and look at and feel each aspect of my life and notice how I feel about each and how my body feels as well.

Relationships with friends and family. Do I spend enough time with the people who are important to me? If not, what can I do to change that? Are the relationships working? If not, how would I like them to look and feel?

Work. Do I look forward to work or is just thinking about it exhausting? Do I enjoy the people I work with, or do I find myself just waiting to get away from them?

Money. Do I need more? Do I need to make other changes in my financial picture (spending, saving etc)?

Physical. Do I feel energetic and well, or am I exhausted and sick? Do I get enough exercise? Am I eating right?

Home. Is my home and/or workplace pleasant and organized? Do I feel good when I walk in the door?

Spiritual. This is going to be different for each person depending on your own religious views or lack of them. For me, I focus on whether I feel at peace in my life, do I feel like I’m connecting with spirit?

Okay, so I’ve taken a survey of my life and I know what’s working and what could use improvement.

Rather than make a list of steps and tasks – the old type of resolution – I instead do a visualization of each area in my life, working at optimum. Rather than putting in detailed pictures and lists of what’s needed in each area, I do my best to focus on the feelings that I imagine I would have if each area was at its highest ideal. That way I can allow the Universe (god, etc) to bring about the circumstances, opportunities, choices that bring me to that ideal.
Allow yourself feel and sense how life could be…if you get mental pictures, great, if not, just try to imagine and feel.

Relationships with friends and family. How would I like to experience my relationships? Would I spend more time in person or on the phone? How does that make me feel? Do I feel connected, loving, happy?

Work. What would my ideal work be? Could I make changes that make work more fun and interesting? Can I make a shift in relationships? Do I need to make a change in my career? How would I feel if I were satisfied and excited about my work?

Money. How would my life feel if money wasn’t an issue? Would I feel more relaxed, more free, more expansive?

Physical. I feel my body fully energized, vibrant and healthy.

Home. I see myself walking in the door and feeling happy to be home, with lots of light an air. (Put here what your ideal is, do you want to feel cozy, expansive, organized?)

Spiritual. I feel joyful and fully connected with my own intuition and divine guidance.

I’ve found that this method often allows more flexibility and sometimes surprising changes and opportunities that I couldn’t have thought of, but by allowing the space for manifestation things end up working out better than I could have done if I was trying to control each aspect. Don’t get me wrong this doesn’t mean that I just put out there a visualization, then sit back and expect things to happen. Instead I stay alert to opportunities and take action when necessary. I also keep in mind that sometimes on the way to getting there, wherever “there” is, there may be some interesting jigs, jogs and detours along the way. Sometimes it’s those jogs and detours that eventually bring about the fruition of our dream. Nothing is ever a failure, and nothing is without reason or meaning. You may not appreciate or understand each circumstance at the time, but often later can see how the pieces fit together to get you where you needed to be. The beauty of this process is that you stay more open and flexible, spend less time beating yourself up, and have more time and energy left to enjoy the unfolding of your life. It’s always an adventure if you chose to see it that way.

I wrote about some of this in a previous blog, but it fits here as well. Change has been a big part of my life, and when I haven't made changes willingly, the Universe has stepped in to give me a boot. The most dramatic of those "boots" was a fire that burned down the company I'd worked for for ten years. I'd known it was time to move on, but just wasn't doing it. Wow, what a wake up call. Since then I've tried to be more in tune with myself and what's working and what's not, but I don't always manage.

Recently I was working as an accountant, which actually can be quite interesting. However, in this case it was production accounting, doing books and monthly sales and payroll tax for 30 clients. Never ending deadlines and a fairly negative work environment were getting me down and I was rapidly losing my normal joy. So what happened? I fell at work, I tripped over an electrical cord I'd complained about numerous time. I was quickly shown the true nature of my employers in that they gave me no support and no understanding of the fact that I was injured. It took me several more months of continuing pain and depression to realize I needed a change in a big way. In one week my doctor, chiropractor and massage therapist all told me they were worried about me and I needed to quit. I finally did it, and almost miraculously the pain in my ribs almost completely went away...felt a bit like I'd removed the knife from my side. hmmm

Another quick way to visualize your life is to think about qualities that you’d like to embody more and really feel that feeling and let it become part of you.

If you want to learn more about using your intention read the book by Lynne McTaggart “The Intention Experiment”. The minute I opened this book I had tingles of excitement. I’m excited because she brings scientific research to a subject that until know has been mostly subjective. The Intention Experiment is the first book not only to synthesize the scientific evidence about human intention, but also the first to explain how to use this power in one’s life, individually and collectively. Read the book or order her Master Class CD set

The Intention Experiment is a groundbreaking exploration of the science of intention. It is also the first book to invite you, the reader, to take an active part in its original research. With the aid of a team of highly experienced scientists who number among the world’s most prestigious investigators into consciousness research she has enlarged her research to encompass on online community, where we can even chose to take part in future experiments.

Let’s all make 2009 a year of Intentionality and Joy.

Questers - Are you a Quester or a Traditionalist?

I’m sure you’ve noticed that we are living in a world of ever increasing change. I’ve been talking a lot lately about fear and how the Shield can assist you in moving through fear. With the Shield you’re no longer dealing with the fears of the planet and everyone on it. After we’ve released fear, we’re more able to deal with changes and challenges.

I've been a quester my entire life, although I never had a word for it. Change has been a big part of my life, and when I haven't made changes willingly, the Universe has stepped in to give me a boot. The most dramatic of those "boots" was a fire that burned down the company where I had worked for ten years. I'd known it was time to move on, but just wasn't doing it. Wow, what a wake up call. Since then I've tried to be more in tune with myself and what's working and what's not, but I don't always manage.

Recently I was working as an accountant, which actually can be quite interesting. However, in this case it was production accounting, doing books and monthly sales and payroll tax for 30 clients. Never ending deadlines and a fairly negative work environment were getting me down and I was rapidly losing my normal joy. So what happened? I fell at work, I tripped over an electrical cord I'd complained about numerous time. I was quickly shown the true nature of my employers in that they gave me no support and no understanding of the fact that I was injured. It took me several more months of continuing pain and depression to realize I needed a change in a big way. In one week my doctor, chiropractor and massage therapist all told me they were worried about me and I needed to quit. I finally did it, and almost miraculously the pain in my ribs almost completely went away...felt a bit like I'd removed the knife from my side. hmmm

My point here your life working? If not, can you make changes that will support you better?

Questers: An Interview with Carole Kanchier, PhD
I found this article

This article about change seems especially appropriate at this time of year. The New Year always seems to bring us to a point of reflecting on the year past and the year we’re moving into. Sometimes we view the coming year with excitement, other times with trepidation and worry about all the changes that are coming. This year with a new president about to be inaugurated, I’m sure we’re all feeling a bit of both. Carole's work shines a new light on the subject and I believe it will help people embrace the fact that change can be an adventure, part of a quest for a more meaningful life.

In our company newsletter I also write about how I think the Shield can assist one in dealing with change. However, I don't want this to sound like a spam...or an advertisement, because that's not my point. My true point is to find ways to embrace change and to deal with it in positive ways. How you do that is up to you. I've found a Shield can help. I've also created jewelry using gemstones that are specifically meant to bring ease with change, manifestation, etc. If you're interested in knowing more about either the Shield or my jewelry line, please email me or comment.

Questers: An Interview with Carole Kanchier, PhD
By Faye Mallett
Carole Kanchier, author of Dare to Change Your Job and Your Life, is uniquely qualified to write and talk about change. With over 25 years of demonstrated success in the career, psychology, education and business fields, she has researched career/life transitions and counseled individuals experiencing change. In an interview for the Galt Global Review, she discusses the connection between career and life transitions, and the people whom she calls "Questers."
Your book, Dare to Change Your Job and Your Life, not only inspires you to rethink your career and life, it shows you how. Could you give a brief summary of the book?

Dare to Change shows individuals and organizations how to move beyond traditional thinking about careers. It provides an integrated perspective on how we grow and change through life and how we make major decisions. Dare to Change normalizes change and shows how “Questers” move forward by strengthening Quester qualities such as authenticity, resilience, a sense of purpose, intuition, and optimism.

One of the things you address is how the career and life cycles interact. Can you expand upon this?
We tend to alternate between transitional and developmental periods throughout life. Transitions, which generally begin during late adolescence then occur every decade after that, are times for questioning who we are and what we want to do. Changes in priorities, needs and lifestyles may result.

During developmental periods we make commitments to and work toward desired goals. At the same time we also experience the career cycle of entry, mastery and disengagement. During entry, we’re enthusiastically learning new job tasks. In mastery, we’re competent, confident and productive. If we’re no longer challenged by our job duties, we lose enthusiasm, productivity and confidence.

This disengagement stage of the career cycle tends to parallel the transition stages of the life cycle. By age 30 (the first major adult transition), many people are seeking new challenges and skills. Growing individuals, who feel they’re no longer deriving desired work rewards, generally move from their positions after progressing through a career cycle. Many clients I see in my counseling practice are in transitions. They may be depressed, burned out, stressed, anxious. Their feelings tend to be related to job dissatisfaction or loss, divorce or relationship challenges, pregnancy, death of a loved one or illness.

One gentleman with whom I worked experienced an intense transition at age 60. At 59, he had lost his engineering job, had issues with his son who was in trouble with the law, had divorced his wife a year earlier and lost his mother within a year of losing his job. During this major life transition he came to terms with his losses, went back to school to update his skills and is now working in a new field of engineering. In his 60s this gentleman became a Quester, whereas before he had been living his life more as a Traditionalist.

How long does a transition typically last?

Transitions average 3 to 5 years, and developmental periods average 5 to 10 years,
Although everybody has their rhythm, a transition occurs on average every 7.5 years. Interestingly, in my research I discovered that many organizations move their employees either by promoting members or transferring them to a different department approximately every 7 years. When I asked one particular department why they did this, and if it was based upon any particular research, they replied that they didn’t know of such – they just knew that this “worked.”

You talk in your book a lot about who you term as “Questers.” Who are Questers? What are the key qualities of a person who is a Quester?
They are creative, growth-oriented individuals who tend to value internal rewards such as growth, autonomy, and challenge over external rewards such as achievement, prestige, and money. Not that most Questers don't like these things as well, but they are prepared to make trade-offs to get what they want.

Questers periodically reassess who they are and where they want to go. Questers are authentic, intuitive, optimistic, resilient, confident, have a sense of purpose, and courage to take planned risks to create their desired lives. They will move up, down or sideways on the occupational prestige ladder to continue needed growth and revitalization.

Can Quester traits be learned?
We are all born with these traits. We learn to walk, we fall, we pick ourselves up and go again. Observe any small child and you will see them visibly engaged and intensely involved in whatever they are doing. This is what Questers do. Mind you, we need a supportive environment, but our natural tendency is to be involved in what we choose to do.
To nurture these Quester traits throughout development, we need at least one person such as a parent, teacher or other significant adult to give us support, feedback, and autonomy. In addition, we need challenge so we get a sense of accomplishment and confidence. This is called competence motivation, which I talk about in my book.

What was your first encounter with people whom you call Questers?One of the questions I asked for my PhD research was: Why do some people voluntarily change jobs and others not? How do people who voluntarily change jobs differ from those who don't? Are voluntary career changes related to the life cycle transitions, as theorized by Daniel Levinson and colleagues?
In my academic writing, I called them ‘changers’ and ‘non changers,' but when I wrote Dare to Change, I brainstormed possible terms with a few friends. We came up with the more appropriate 'Questers and Traditionalists.'
Nobody is a true Quester or a Traditionalist. Many of us have traits of both.

Do Questers differ from generation to generation?
No. Questers have been around for ages. Throughout history, people who've made major contributions to humankind were Questers.

It’s certainly easier to be a Quester now. As a matter of fact, people will have to adapt Quester qualities in order to prevail in the new millennium.

You tell us some interesting stories about Questers in your book. What are a few compelling ones?
One of my favorite Questers is Galileo Galilee. This Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher played a major role in the scientific revolution. Considered a revolutionary in his time, Galileo proved the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around.

Other famous Questers are Bill Gates and Dr. Barbara McClintock.
Many entrepreneurs are Questers. Two attorneys I know who practiced law in a big Eastern city left their thriving law practice to start a garbage recycling business. Many people, 60 and older are retiring from conventional jobs and considering a whole new set of options. I've met people who in their 50s return to school to study medicine. One gentleman returned to school at 70 to become a minister. Prior to this he had been a successful senior executive for an international organization. Many are starting new ventures at 90 or older.

Just recently I met a couple who came to Canada from Europe. The gentleman, Dr. Ivan Kropyvntskyy, a neurosurgeon approaching 40, decided after considerable soul searching not to take lucrative offers to practice neurosurgery. Instead, he chose to follow his passion: preventative health, and launched a web site called

Questers and the Contemporary Career

Employees in the 21st Century need strong, creative minds, the ability to think for themselves, make wise decisions, and work as a team. Most important, they need to know how to learn. Over a decade ago, Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus found the key personal quality needed for running successful organizations was personal learning. This is particularly important today.
Part II of this interview will focus on Questers and the Contemporary Career.
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Fear is all around us. Is it impacting your life?

Fear is all around us. You feel it when you watch the news, of course. How can you not? Everything seems to be chaos. That’s when you’re aware of the fear, it’s in your face and incontrovertible. What about all the fear that’s impacting you without your awareness or knowledge? I’m sure you already know about the effects that electro-pollution can be having on you. That’s something that is becoming popular knowledge. People are talking about it and we’re beginning to be cognizant of the fact that this is an issue.

Depression, anxiety, mood elevating drugs, suicide, road rage, escalating senseless violence and crime, these are symptoms of an ever-increasing breakdown in our energy fields due to the vibration of fear. We don’t even notice it because it is the norm.

Quantum Physics 101- an easy guide to energy and emotions

Every mood has a rate of vibration. Fear has a very low vibration In the well documented book, “Power vs Force”, by David Hawkins, emotions were quantified on a scale of 1 to 1000 to create a Level of Consciousness map. Read more about the Kinesiology used to quantify emotions.Any emotions rated below 200 have the primary impetus of personal survival.

At the bottom of this scale is hopelessness and depression. Fear calibrates at an energy level of 100. From this place the energy can either go up or down. When it goes down it sinks to a level of apathy which in social history has imprisoned entire sub-cultures as well as individuals. If the hopeless can come to want something better, to desire, then the energy can begin to move upward. The energy of anger (150), if used to move forward, can be a positive energizing force to develop pride (175), finally proceeding to courage (200) to begin to change the existing conditions.

How does our world today stack up in this consciousness map?

If we showed this graphically, the shape would resemble a pagoda roof, in that 85 percent of the human race calibrates below the critical level of 200. Maybe this is why there are so many people on anti-depressants.

What does this mean to you? Well, imagine, if you will, the effect that kind of inertia and force can have? Most people are stuck in survival mode. I can tell you that I noticed a huge change once I started wearing a Shield. I just didn't absorb other people's bad moods - yes, it was unpleasant to be around them, but somehow their energy was at an "arm's length" from mine.
It’s been "raining" war, greed, panic and violence for centuries. Indeed the sun is out at times, and this is when you feel loved and connected to others. But there's a build-up of these other lower vibrations that is more prevalent than the love vibrations.

Our planetary history is a nearly continuous a series of war, famine, loss and terror What if those feelings of fear, loss, terror, and grief are still attached to the land and structures in those places. This means that every time you walk on that ground, those low vibrations permeate your energy field. So – you need a "raincoat"!

Have you ever been someplace in which there was a historical event of fearful or painful consequences? Didn’t you feel dragged down, sad, uneasy? That’s because that intense emotional energy residual remains embedded in the buildings, the land and the very air surrounding you. On the other side of the coin, have you been to places that had happy memories associated with them and you left feeling uplifted and hopeful?

When we are fearful, or open to the fear around us, our defenses begin to crumble. We are more and more at the mercy of those around us who would seek to control. By stepping out of that frequency, you come back to your normal, centered self and can withstand the thoughts, fears, desires of the people and world around you. You are in control again, no longer a victim of our times or your life and the people in it. Free to create and enjoy. When people are in fear they tend to have a variety of reactions. Some just shut down, feeling hopeless and depressed. They lose the ability to feel that there is anything positive in their lives or their futures. Life becomes dull and uninteresting. They are just marking time, getting through the days, weeks, months and years, not really adding or creating anything. The creative, hopeful quality in them has been lost in the gray fog of fear. Another common reaction to fear is rage. When we feel powerless we have two choices, give in, or fight back. Anger and rage is the impulse to fight back and not just give up. Unfortunately, that reaction seldom serves in a positive way and is actually creating a fear reaction in the people and society around us. Sometimes our own anger and rage scares us and makes us feel even more powerless, at the mercy of our own reactions and everything around us. How often do you hear violent people describing their actions in a way that they appear to have had little control over their actions? This is often an extreme reaction to inner and outer fear.

How does the intensity of fear affect you? Mild fear can cause confusion, mind fog and indecisiveness. It’s difficult to be clear enough to make decisions when you are engulfed in fear. As fear grows it destroys creativity. The creative expression is consistently dampened down, even killed entirely by the vibration of fear. When fear is extreme, hatred, repression, repulsion and distrust increase. We not only distrust those around us, but ourselves, our thoughts and actions. The enjoyment available in any moment is brought down by fear. Absence of fear generates useful activities and forward motion.Fear has effects we have only begun to understand. It can hide behind addictions, violence, poor relationships, depression, lack of enthusiasm or commitment. One fearful person in an organization can prevent prosperity and progress because fear is a vibration that dissolves creation and ambition. Have you ever been in a meeting and watched as one negative person managed to completely destroy the enthusiasm and hope of the entire group? That is fear. Fear says “it can’t be done”. Did you feel all the energy leave the room and become replaced with gloom and hopelessness? That is fear.

Negative thoughts come from fear. The polluting effect of this is a huge burden carried in a person’s energy field, but it doesn’t stay there, it goes out in waves and affects everything and everyone it comes in contact with. This density is not normally perceived on a conscious level, and, in fact, sadly it often feels quite natural. Is it any wonder that ill health, new diseases and syndromes, depression, anxiety and cancer abound? New diseases are reaching alarming proportions. The vibration of fear, weakens the body, mind emotions and dulls the spirit. Do you feel lately that you have lost the spirit and passion you had when you were younger? Is it harder to enjoy life? Are you anxious and on edge? What if you were able to go back to that feeling of hope, passion and peace that you once had? Maybe you’ve never experienced those things.
Can you even imagine how your life would change if you were able to be focused and balanced in a positive vibration instead of spending all your time simply trying to lift the heavy cloud of fear that surrounds you?If you can’t even imagine this peaceful, in control feeling, it's possible that you are at a point of total resignation. This means you are drenched with negative energy – and as we said above, part of it is NOT EVEN YOUR ENERGY. If you stop picking up all this negative energy from the environment, and experience the wonderful balancing effect of the shield, then you will have the chance to remember Who You Are.

How do you protect yourself from these outside forces? Numerous books and articles have been written about this subject, there are even entire workshops on learning to protect yourself. I’ve read a lot of them, and taken a number of workshops. Did they work? I can only tell you my own experiences, they worked to a degree, yes, but not consistently or in ways that were always comfortable.

I learned to create an energy around myself. But it seemed it only worked well when I was able to stay calm and centered. When I was in a place with a lot of people or was experiencing inner stress, my defenses came tumbling down leaving me feeling bombarded, scattered and weak.I practiced creating a wall that let nothing in. It worked, but I felt cut-off and isolated. I wanted to let in the positive energies and connect with people, and still keep out the negativity. This method seemed to work only one way.I tried carrying various crystals, obsidian, labradorite, tourmaline. I still felt myself being pulled down by all the negativity and fear around me.I meditated in the morning, projecting only positive, loving thoughts and visualizing a wonderful day. This worked until I got to work and sat down next to that very toxic woman who was on some kind of crazy power trip. Within an hour of being in her presence I was exhausted and depressed.

I think I tried just about every technique out there for about five years. I felt like a failure…why couldn’t I get the hang of this, was I truly that weak? Was I doomed to a life as a psychic sponge?

I was living and working with a woman who unbeknownst to me was bi-polar. We’d be in a perfectly rational conversation, when suddenly everything would shift and I was suddenly being yelled at and pummeled with intense rage and negativity. I walked away many times feeling battered and bruised, as if I’d just lost a battle with my worst enemy.

After one particularly bad incident, I was literally having difficulty breathing. I lived just down the road from the Charles and Virginia Brown at BioElectric Shield. A friend called Virginia and she agreed to talk to me. After doing some energy clearing to help me shed the energy I’d just taken on, Virginia pulled out a Shield and muscle tested me. Without the Shield I tested extremely weak. When I put the Shield on, I was strong again. I was skeptical, but at Virginia’s insistence I borrowed a Shield. Although I didn’t feel a huge rush of energy or anything quantifiable, I did find that I was able to hold my own in this negative situation and stand up for myself in ways I’d been unable to do, and still walk away with my energy intact. Wearing a Shield was a life changing and empowering experience and continues to be now, 15 years later.

I began looking more into the Shield and why and how it works. I eventually began to work for the company in order to help others benefit in the way I had. I’m a good sales person, but only if I truly believe in what I’m selling. It’s more about sharing my experience and allowing others to come to their own conclusion.My experience has shown that the Shield increases my own natural, positive energies and deflects the negative frequencies of fear, worry, guilt, depression, hatred and negativity that abound in our world today. I’m sharing with you what finally worked for me. Try some of the techniques above, try a Shield, try something else. Just find something that helps you stay centered and positive, no longer at the mercy of all the negativity in our world today. The more people who can do this, the better things will become. I believe that when we disconnect from the general free-floating fear we can begin to create our own lives with intent.

"The Secret" and so many others tell us that like attracts like. If you’re in a state of distress and negativity you’ll draw even more of that to you. But as you move into a state of freedom and joy, your life will become increasingly easy and flowing.

I’ve been reading Lynne McTaggart’s books “the Field” and “The Intention Experiment” and they go a long way towards explaining how our energy world works and how we’re all connected. She takes all the spiritual woo-woo stuff and brings science and research to a lot of subjects including remote healing, and the power of intent. I’ll write more on those subjects soon.

Carolyn Nau